Wiggle Time!
Yesterday I took Joanna to see The Wiggles at the DCU Center in Worcester. It was fun even if we did do it on the cheap. Parking for the event was $20!! so I parked at the train station for free and we walked. We also had the cheapest seats. Here is the view from our seats.

I'm glad my camera has a really good digital zoom.

The put on a good show. Very high energy. I image they can eat what ever they want without gaining a pound. There was a lot of audience interaction too. They even wandered into the first balcony which was more than I expected. I knew they would not venture into the rarefied air of our seats. Children brought roses for Dorothy the Dinosaur and bones for Wags the Dog which were gathered up during the show. They also got all the names of children who were having a birthday and sang happy birthday to them. I can image some poor guy scribbling down all the names so he could read it back to their headsets during the song.
I recognized the dancers from the videos Joanna has. I thought it was nice that they brought their regular dancers with them rather than getting local dancers. It was also fun listening to them trying to say Massachusetts and Worcester (rhymed with rooster). At least I know that they do actually play their instruments. At one point I saw Murray pick up his guitar, strum a bit, fool with a knob on the amplifier, strum a little more then thump the side of the amp with the heal of his hand. That seemed to work.
Here is a picture of Joanna under the influence of upbeat music and sugar.