Getting Back to Normal
After having all those dogs in the house we really needed to do some cleaning. The normal dog hair dust bunnies we get from having two dogs turned into dog hair tumble weeds with four dogs. Joanna did her part in the cleaning effort.

We also had a little recovery operation. When the heat wave broke a storm rolled in. It was preceded by some really high winds. Joanna had left a ball out in the yard and the winds blew it into the water and almost halfway to the lake. Rick and Joanna went to retrieve it.


While we were down by the water we found what Libby had been after when she went into the water.

I think I've been hearing this guy serenade us at night.
Since we purchased the new (to us) sofa and move the old one, Shiloh seems to think the old sofa is now his. He likes to take naps on it and finds it very useful in facilitating barking at the neighbors.
It seems like an awfully large dog bed to me.
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