Making a Splash
Summer fun continues at the Green house. I tried putting curlers in Joanna's hair put she did not want her picture taken. Patience was the key.

No pictures of the end product. She hated the curls and cried until I removed them with the spray bottle.
Speaking of spay, we decided to beat off the oppressive heat with a trip to the Northborough splash pad. She got to play and I got to sit in a chair and knit. Good time had by all!

The other night Joanna asked if she could have a leftover ball of yarn she found. She said she was going to set a trap for Shiloh.

I don't know, Shiloh is kind of low to the ground, this seemed a much more effective trap for mommy. I resisted the temptation of showing her how to make a more effective trap with the yarn, a yard stick, the laundry basket and a dog biscuit.
Back on the splash theme, we conducted a little experiment while waiting for the barbecue to heat up. The first step was a paper funnel and a bottle of Diet Coke.

We then used a paper clip and and piece of string for a "fuse."

The next step, Mentos. You will notice Joanna is safely in her bunker.

A quick pull of the string (and a wiggle of the paper funnel because the humidity made the Mentos stick to it) and we had our very own soda fountain!

you did this to a bottle of Diet Coke? This is clearly a job for Diet Pepsi, as it is not ment to be taken internaly.
Uncle Rob
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