You Belong in the Zoo
On Wednesday Joanna and I went with Amy and Ainsley to the Southwick Zoo.

I was a beautiful day and the girls enjoyed looking at the animals.

The playground was even better than the animals, a lesson in sticking with activities that are FREE! Best of all was the petting zoo.
Joanna loved the kids and the calves,

but her favorite was the piglets.

She wanted to buy some animal feed but mommy was too cheap/frugal to spend 50 cents on a handful of dried corn so I suggested she pick up some of it that was laying on the ground. The animals didn't seem to care.
The night before we went to the zoo Joanna washed her hair with some new shampoo. She kept telling up how it smelled like peaches and calling us over to smell it. It would seam that goats like peaches too because while she was feeding the piglets one of them tried to eat her hair. Of course there is no accounting for taste, the goats also tried to eat Amy's shoe and another lady's camera strap.

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