Joanna's hair has been a problem for a while. It is straight in the front and wavy in the back.
It is a bit windblown in this photo but I think you can see the problem.

I like little girls with long hair. I want to be able to brush it and braid it and put it up in pig tails and do all those cute girly hair things. Not going to happen. I'm lucky she lets me comb it. She doesn't want braids or bows. Clips are okay as long as they aren't actually holding back hair off her face. She did let me braid it before bed once.

I thought it would help keep it from tangling at night. It did, but it was wilder than ever the next day. I finally had to admit that I have a shaggy child.
Yesterday Rick decided he needed a hair cut so we all went to
Supercuts after work. Joanna and I looked through the hair cut picture books. There were hair cuts for straight hair, hair cuts for curly hair, hair cuts for wavy hair, but no hair cuts for straight in the front/wavy in the back hair.
In the end we went for a simple bob.

Easy to take care of, nice for summer, and no more shaggy child. There was a lot of hair removed but it wasn't anywhere near as traumatic as
After the hair cut we went to the mall so Rick could look at cell phones and he and Joanna took a ride on the carousel.

As for other unmanageable things, it's raining. No, I not talking about the rain outside, I'm talking about the rain inside.
It is raining in my office.
During the last rain we told the management company that the roof was leaking. They did nothing. During this current rain the leak has gotten much worse. Here is the wall just outside our door.

Nice. On Saturday one of the ceiling tiles became so saturated it fell and broke. Fortunately we had removed the computer from my desk but we did have to use the table in the conference room to dry out some papers.

This is the ceiling over my desk.

You should be very glad I can't upload the smell.
They did come and clean up the broken tile but this is what my desk looks like right now. I think we are using every trash can in the office to catch water.

I'm working in the conference room.
We were wondering why it was taking so long to fix the roof. Perhaps they were having trouble locating the breech. We went outside and looked up.

I don't know a lot about roofing or construction in general but I think I can see the problem.
My psychic powers are predicting an office relocation in our future.