Sturbridge Revisited
Our tickets for Old Sturbridge Village were good for a second visit so we took Rick with us this time. We got to wander into some of the building we missed the first time and revisit a couple of Joanna's favorites.
We went to "meet the teacher" at the schoolhouse. We had to bow/curtsy as we entered and sit in the rather uncomfortable benches. The teacher told us that in 1830 she would have actually been a "school keeper". She would have taught the 4 year olds their alphabet and basic reading. From there the kids were on there own to go through their lesson books and her job was just to keep the peace.
Out on the playground Joanna tried to figure out the hoop and stick. It looks a whole lot easier than it is.

We also went to the bookstore. Joanna picked out a little book that came with a tiny tea set. It also had little place cards and menus that you could remove from the book and recipes for miniature food. One example was a miniature chocolate cream pie that was a chocolate sandwich cookie with the top removed and whipped cream with chocolate sprinkles put on top. I got a a knitting book (of course).
On Sunday Joanna wanted to help Daddy mow the lawn. You're never to young to learn new chores! Because of her height she got totally covered in grass cuttings.

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