Going to the Picnic and the Ball
Today we had the church picnic. It was a little different this year. Several families hosted small groups at their home for the main meal then we all went to a "surprise location" for desert and other festivities, including 2 baptisms. The hosting families knew the final destination and others figured it out by considering what family had both a pool and the available space to host the entire church.
We were one of the host families. The weather was threatening rain most of the day so to be on the safe side we set up tables on the porch.

I think it went well. We did have to leave early from the second half since we still needed to finish the church bulletin and we were all pretty tired.
Joanna asked for her new Cinderella night gown.

While taking pictures I asked her to pretend that she was dancing at the ball. She happily obliged me.