Happy Birthday Mush!
Yesterday we celebrated Joanna's birthday at Davis Farmland. Looks like there were a few other birthdays too.
Joanna got a nifty birthday hat.
Jess, our personal "Party Animal" took us around the farm.
We got to pet some animals ans feed some animals.
Joanna had a great time with her new camera.
You can also see this from Joanna's perspective.

Pretty scary!
Next all the kids got to go on a pony ride.
After the pony ride was a hay ride then off to the party cabana. It was very warm and humid and Joanna was already pretty tired.
After a little juice and pizza the birthday cupcakes came out.
The kids all got to decorate their cupcakes. I think some of them enjoyed that more than eating them.
Now that they were all sugared up it was time to assault the pinata. Of course this was followed by a candy feeding frenzy.
It didn't take long for the sugar to wear off.
All in all, Davis Farmland really measured up.
Soon we were headed home with a van full of gifts.
There were toys.
There were clothes.
Soon there was nothing left to do but play with the packaging they came in.
If you would like to see all of the pictures from the party, you can find them here.
You can also check out Joanna's birthday sweater at The Empty Stash.
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